Centro de Documentación Europea de la Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Granada
Consejería de la Presidencia, Interior, Diálogo Social y Simplificación Administrativa


Fundamental rights implications for the EU of the war in Ukraine

Russia’s unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine has resulted in massive internal and external population displacement. The European Union (EU) rapidly activated its Temporary Protection Directive for the first time since it was adopted in 2001. This entitled nearly 4 million people to legal residence and access to work, housing and legal assistance, education and healthcare. The invasion triggered a tremendous wave of support and solidarity from governments, local authorities and society. It revealed how the EU and its Member States could effectively and respectfully manage a large and sudden influx of people. This focus looks at the fundamental rights impact of the war in the EU. It shines a light on the specific needs of women and girls, the largest proportion of those who fled, and of marginalised groups, such as Roma. Services also need to include support for those who have experienced sexual violence and exploitation. The focus also examines general challenges that need addressing.

Estado: Disponible
DOI/NIPO: 10.2811/585585
ISBN/ISSN: 978-92-9489-033-7
Catálogo: TK-05-23-051-EN-C
Año de edición: 2023
Idioma: Inglés

Catálogo bibliográfico


Catálogo bibliográfico
Catálogo de revistas


Catálogo de revistas


Repositorio SEDAS


Repositorio SEDAS
Material divulgativo


Material divulgativo
EU Law Live


EU Law Live


Consejería de la Presidencia, Administración Pública e Interior de la Junta de Andalucía
Universidad de Granada
Representación en España de la Comisión Europea
Red de Información Europea de Andalucía
Red IDEA - Red de Centros de Documentación y Bibliotecas Especializadas de Andalucía

Centro de Documentación Europea de la Universidad de Granada


Centro de Documentación Europea
Universidad de Granada
Edificio Centro de Documentación Científica
C/ Rector López Argüeta, s/n
18071 Granada (España)


 |  +34 958 248 351
