Centro de Documentación Europea de la Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Granada
Consejería de la Presidencia, Interior, Diálogo Social y Simplificación Administrativa

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Verbal reasoning MCQ for European Institution competitions

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This brand new, revised and expanded edition is aimed at all candidates planning to sit European institution competitions and who wish to prepare as effectively as possible for the verbal reasoning test.

The verbal reasoning test is not a test of knowledge but of logic. To be successful, candidates must display four key qualities:

- the ability to analyse a statement and understand the meaning of a text;

- a mastery of certain rules of verbal logic in order to establish whether or not an answer can be deduced from the information in the text;

- the ability to identify quickly which statements are most likely to constitute the correct answer;

- the ability to read a text selectively.

Entry competitions for European institutions are highly selective. Success in the verbal reasoning test is, above all, a matter of method and training.

This book can significantly increase your chance of success. It contains:

- a detailed methodology illustrated with numerous examples;

- 10 tests of 10 questions each;

- a detailed explanation of the answer to each question.

The questions in this book are similar to those that have been set in the competitions run by EPSO. They are different to those in previous editions and from our online test questions.

Authors: Emmanuel HETRU and Claire MERCIER

Editor: ORSEU

Language: English (available in French, English and Italian)

Pages: 280 pages

ISBN: 978-2-918796-24-4

Date: 24/01/2019

Weight: 400 g

Edition: 1st version


 (*) Disponible en el Centro de Documentación Europea en inglés y francés.

Catálogo bibliográfico


Catálogo bibliográfico
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Catálogo de revistas


Repositorio SEDAS


Repositorio SEDAS
Material divulgativo


Material divulgativo
EU Law Live


EU Law Live


Consejería de Turismo y Andalucía Exterior
Universidad de Granada
Representación en España de la Comisión Europea
Red de Información Europea de Andalucía
Red IDEA - Red de Centros de Documentación y Bibliotecas Especializadas de Andalucía

Centro de Documentación Europea de la Universidad de Granada


Centro de Documentación Europea
Universidad de Granada
Edificio Centro de Documentación Científica
C/ Rector López Argüeta, s/n
18071 Granada (España)


 |  +34 958 248 351


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